Leadership Camp
Registration Open
Overnight Leadership Programs
Price: $680 a session for one week program
$1680 three week BLT program
Leadership Camp Session 1: Sunday, July 6- Friday, July 11, 2025
B.L.T. Program Sunday, July 20 - Friday, August 8, 2025

What is Leadership Camp?
Leadership Camp is an adventure based, faith filled week designed for our older campers ages 13-16.
Leadership Camp at C.Y.O. Camp Brébeuf is an adventure based, faith filled week designed for high school aged students entering grade 8, 9, 10 or 11. Leadership camp is a 1 week, overnight program that runs the first week of our summer. Our Leadership Program offers young people the chance to connect with old camp friends and staff, meet new friends and develop their abilities and confidence while deepening their faith and having fun.
After completion of each week, the goal is for the campers to bring their newly learned skills and ideas back to their homes, schools and parishes. Leadership camp is based on a “track model” where campers are encouraged to learn not only from the individual track programs, but also from each other. All tracks run simultaneously each week. Our expectation is that participants will return year after year to experience an increasingly more intensive program.
More information on each of the program follows:

Track Focus: Confidence, “Self”
Biblical Reference: Jeremiah 1:4-8
The Jeremiah track is created for younger teens with little or no leadership experience. The minimum requirements are that the camper be 13 years of age and entering High School in the fall following the summer of the leadership program.
Our overall goal for the Jeremiah program is to open the door to the discovery of SELF; to build confidence and to help the campers feel sure of their abilities to be leaders , as well as proud of and secure in who they are as they begin their journey through high school.
Building confidence is a process: it requires self understanding—especially an understanding of personal values—and an ability to use abilities in accord with these values. Above all, confidence is: knowing yourself, trusting yourself, and being yourself.
To identify personal values, abilities and limitations.
To develop trust in one’s own abilities and to develop an aptitude for self-challenge and finding ways for self improvement.
To understand what it means to be oneself and to find ways of communicating this ‘self’ with others.

Track Focus: Gifts, ‘Others’
Biblical Reference: Luke 19:1-10
The Zaccheus track is focused on supporting leaders already involved or looking to increase their level of leadership back home. Challenged to explore their own gifts and self-imposed limitations, the Zacchaeus team spends time understanding the value of all those they meet in our culture.
Building on the understanding of one’s own abilities and gifts—as well as weaknesses and limitations—acquired in the Jeremiah track, the Zacchaeus group will primarily work on identifying the gifts and abilities of others and using the gifts of the group to accomplish something as a team. In this track, building on the gifts of all track members the focus will be teamwork. The core components of teamwork are listening, questioning, persuading, respecting, helping, sharing, and participating; in this track the group will challenge themselves to work together to improve in each of these aspects thus improving both communication and teamwork.
To recognize gifts in others and affirm these gifts
To understand types of communication and how to communicate effectively in a group
To develop the ability to synergize with others as part of a team.
To identify ways of using ones gifts for others

Track Focus: Service to the Community, Social Justice.
Whereas giftedness involves the discovery and building up of gifts within a team, service provides an opportunity for this gifted team of confident individuals to accomplish something great by helping another person or group. Indeed, service is reaching out altruistically and improving the situation of another with the other. For this assistance to be effective, non-condescending, and sustained, it needs to flow from loving relationship. Service involves identifying the needs of another person or group, developing a relationship with that person or group, taking steps to meet the needs of the other and empowering him, her, or them to be responsible for maintaining these needs. Some of the key leadership skills related to service include the ability to support, teach, and motivate others while at the same time reflecting on justice, love, truth, and personal intentions. With this in mind, then, the Prophets track will focus on the following service related objectives:
● To identify and understand the needs of others.
● To understand the reasons for the needs of others and to develop problem solving abilities in analysis of causal relations.
● To build relationships serving, getting to know, and empowering others.
● Develop networks of support.
● Reflect on personal intentions, motivations, and inspirations.
● Encourage and motivate others to commence or continue their good work
● Building a spirit of generosity
● Develop a deeper understanding of injustices and inequalities in our world.
● Reflect on non-violent means of development and improving a situation.
● Learning teaching techniques and creative ways of getting a point across.
● Serving others ‘behind the scenes’
● Taking time to serve one’s own personal needs
● Strengthening one’s prayer life

Track Focus: Service to the camp community, working with children
The Emmaus track is our leadership option for senior camp veterans already active in schools or faith communities that want a challenging, intensive week of program design, and implementation. The Emmaus program is focused on helping these leaders learn how to work in a community, support campers, and ultimately become a camp leader.
Building community is a task that requires confidence, teamwork, service abilities, and above all personal presence and love. In coming together as a group, be it to break bread or to participate in some shared experience, we understand more fully who we are by recognizing who others are. In a community that shares, cares, and is focused on inclusion, our eyes can be opened and our hearts will burn within us. In this track, the leadership potential of the previous tracks is integrated as the group works together to perform specific community building projects learning organizational skills, programming, incorporation of creativity, and how to coordinate community building activities that are fun, but also meaningful.
Learn the importance of visioning, planning, and communicating ideas to different members of the community
To learn about the centrality of role modelling and sharing experience in community life
To develop facilitation skills such as debriefing and/or front loading an experience, dealing with problems in a group setting, and programming
After they completed this program the campers may return as a C.I.T. during the summer.
Ready for adventure?
Stay for Longer & Gain more Skills
The Brébeuf Leader in Training program are for those ages 14 and 15. The focus will be on confidence in self and life skills. We hope that all of our campers come away with a wide variety of skills they can use not only in camp but at home, in their community, and at school.
This is a three week program. Campers will need to hand in cell phones at the beginning of the program. Youth will be able to gain volunteer hours during their time at camp.
Our counselor in training program will allow youth to shadow counselors in our overnight program and lead groups in our day camp. This is a three week program. Youth who sign up for this program are expected to live on site and take part in all camp activities. Youth will also gain volunteer hours during this program. Those entering this program are required to attend the Emmaus program.

Summer Camp Overview
Pack list, payment information, parent guide and more.