Overnight Camp
Preparing for Overnight Camp
Prior to camp you will also receive a package titled Preparing for Overnight Camp that will include a packing list, details about camp policies and directions to camp.
Registration is Now Open
$625 a session
Session 2: Sail the Seven Seas, Sunday, July 13 – Friday, July 18, 2025
Session 3: Holidays on Parades, Sunday, July 20 – Friday, July 25, 2025
Session 4: Superheroes, Sunday, July 27 – Friday, August 1, 2025
Session 5: Candyland, Sunday August 3 – Friday, August 8, 2025
Session 6: Knights of the Round Table, Sunday, August 10 – Friday August 15, 2025

Weekly Schedule
Click below to see a sample schedule for a full week of residential camp. This schedule may change from time to time due to weather or special events scheduled.
Drop Off / Pick Up Times
All of our overnight camps start on Sunday and run to Friday.
Drop Off Times:
Camper Check In / Drop Off begins at 3:00 p.m. and is open until 4:00 p.m.
During camper check in you will proceed through a couple stations, these are:
Check In (where you will get your cabin assignment)
Tuck Card Set up (optional, see preparing for camp package for more details)
Health Check with wellness staff (this is where they also collect any medications)
Visit the Tuck Shop for any camp swag.
Counselors and support staff will greet you in upper camp and bring campers down to their cabins.
Pick Up Times:
Camper Pick up is between 3:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. If you wish to pick your camper up earlier than this or if another adult is picking up your camper on Friday please call the camp office.
When picking up your camper please make sure that you do the following:
Sign out your camper (we will have sign out available at the basket ball court)
Check lost and found (all items that have been found around camp during the week will be placed on the picnic tables by the dining hall)
At both of these times an adult will need to sign in and sign out the camper. This can be done by seeing the staff at the basket ball court when you arrive. If you will be later dropping off, picking up, please contact the office.

Cabin Assignments
When campers arrive at Brébeuf they are placed into age-based cabin groups that become their home for the duration of their stay at camp.
We do our best to honour all cabin requests provided that both campers have made the same request and are of approximately the same age and gender. During the day for programming each cabin may be paired with a second cabin to create a ‘cabin group’ of 14 campers with at least 2 counsellors for activities.
Cabin groups are arranged into three sections:
Herbivores (campers ages 7-9)
Omnivores (campers ages 10-12)
Carnivores (campers ages 13-14)
We specifically design all cabin group activity rotations to be age-appropriate for the various sections. There are 9 different program areas that campers will get to experience during their week at camp.
These programs are:
Arts and Crafts
Drama and Music
High Ropes
Adventure Skills
During the evenings and on theme days, all of the age groups come together for all camp activities such as Campfire, All Camp Games, Airbands, Social and others.

A lot of people ask us about theme weeks and what the difference between each week is. For example, “Does Sports week mean that my son or daughter will be playing sports all week all the time?”.
In general, on a week by week basis the cabin group activities remain the same. It is the weekly theme however that influences how each program is lead. For example for this summer’s theme “Campers Assemble!” you may end up making a superhero cape in arts and crafts or looking at superheroes of the bible at the faith program.
On top of the theme being a part of the daily program activities there is also an ongoing story that is presented through skits by the staff and a full “theme day” on Wednesday. It is these themes that change up the week and keep it interesting for both campers and staff.
Interest Groups
In addition to the regular programming at Camp, we also offer twice a day programming called ‘Interest Groups’. During this time camp staff lead non-regularly scheduled programs that campers can sign up to try. Like the name implies these activities are based on camper interests and the skill set of the staff member leading them. Interest groups vary from week to week so that campers can have a variety of experiences over the summer. Some interest groups that are commonly offer are:
Rock Climbing
Biking (for the older campers)
Bracelet Making
Water basketball
Guitar Playing
Gaga ball
Sand Castle making
Chillaxing (rest time)
Name that tune
Tuck Shop
The tuck shop at camp is stocked with both food and drink items as well as camp merchandise. Each day campers will have a chance to visit the tuck shop and choose “tuck” (chocolate bar, candy, chips, drinks) which they will pay for with their tuck card. Tuck cards are available to purchase at drop off on Sunday or online prior to attending. The card acts as an account for the camper for the week. Tuck cards can be purchased in a variety of amounts. Each food/drink item in the tuck shop costs $1.00-$2.00.
Tuck shop merchandise is also available for purchase on drop off and pick up days. Some items that we carry include flashlights, notebooks, hats, t-shirts and sweatshirts. These items range in price from camp sunglasses $5.00 to camp sweatshirts $30.00.
Ready for adventure?

Summer Camp Overview
Pack list, payment information, parent guide and more.